Owner/Resident Support:
Have questions about your account or a statement you received? Contact us.
Phone: 919-703-8900
* Please be sure to provide your name and property address in all correspondence *
At Signature Management our goal is to quickly and efficiently answer your questions and address any concerns. Please allow 2-3 business days for a response to your request.
Developer Support:
Bruce Allen – Community Consultant
Phone: 919-333-3567
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 674
Clayton, NC 27528
Physical Address:
106 S. Lombard St. Ste 109
Clayton, NC 27520
Need to Update Your Homeowner Contact Information:
We strongly recommend that you notify us of any changes as soon as possible to avoid any future late fees.
You can submit changes via our online information update form or mail us the printable form below.
Architectural Change Requests
You can find your Architectural Change Request forms on your community’s page. Forms can be submitted to the email below or mailed to us.
If you have any questions regarding Architectural Change Requests, please email us at